Average Weekly Wage in NC Workers’ Comp

Average Weekly Wage in NC Workers’ Comp

The correct calculation of an injured workers Average Weekly Wage (AWW) is one of the most critical issues in a North Carolina Workers’ Compensation case. Consider: the amount of the weekly workers’ compensation benefit paid to a disabled worker is called...
Salary Continuation in NC Workers’ Comp

Salary Continuation in NC Workers’ Comp

Certain North Carolina State employees, including law enforcement officers and teachers, may be eligible for salary continuation benefits while on workers’ comp. While workers’ compensation pays only 2/3’s of the salary the injured employee was...
7 Day Waiting Period for NC Workers’ Comp

7 Day Waiting Period for NC Workers’ Comp

Injured workers’ do not receive wage replacement benefits for lost wages for the first seven days they are out of work after a workers’ comp injury, unless they remain disabled for at least 21 days. So an employee who misses less than week of work because...
Why is my NC workers’ comp check late?

Why is my NC workers’ comp check late?

In my NC workers’ comp law office we spend a lot of time answering the question: “Why is my NC workers’ comp check late?”  Sometimes I think we spend half our time tracking down late, missing or improperly dated NC workers’ comp...