OSHA’S Life and Death Decisions

OSHA’S Life and Death Decisions

I remember the outrage a few years back over the healthcare death panels allegation. But workplace safety agencies like OSHA make life and death decisions all the time. For example, if we know that reduction in a carcinogen will lead to a very small decrease in...
Kevin Bunn Co-Chairs NC Workers’ Comp Roundtable

Kevin Bunn Co-Chairs NC Workers’ Comp Roundtable

  On Friday, March 7, Kevin Bunn co-chaired the 19th Annual NC Workers’ Comp Roundtable held at the North Carolina Advocates for Justice offices in Raleigh.  Many thanks to co-chair Valerie Johnson and to all the speakers, including Matt Slotkin, Jim Hart,...
White Paper COVER Download

Top Ten Tips and Traps for North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Claims

After twenty years of practicing workers’ compensation law in North Carolina I have seen just about every mistake an injured worker can make.  These mistakes range from failing to file their claim, to settling when they should not have, and everything in between. Download my Top Ten Tips and Traps for North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Claims

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