On Friday, March 7, Kevin Bunn co-chaired the 19th Annual NC Workers’ Comp Roundtable held at the North Carolina Advocates for Justice offices in Raleigh.  Many thanks to co-chair Valerie Johnson and to all the speakers, including Matt Slotkin, Jim Hart, Annemarie Pantazis, Stewart Poisson, Griff Morgan, Gina Cammarano, Victor Farah, Hank Patterson and Rick Harper.

The conference included sessions on a variety of important NC Workers’ Compensation issues, including:

  • The Psychological Impact of Chronic Pain and Long-Term Disability on Injured Workers.
  • Managing Chronic Pain and Long-Term Disability.
  • How Vocational Rehabilitation Should Work Versus How it Does Work.
  • The Intersection of Domestic Law and Workers’ Comp.
  • The Affordible Care Act and its Implications for Injured Workers.
  • Tricks and Traps in Clincher Language.
  • North Carolina Industrial Commission Rules Update.


Kevin is a Board Certified NC Workers’ Comp Specialist.  The NC Advocates For Justice is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association of lawyers dedicated to protecting and championing people’s rights and protecting the safety of North Carolina’s families.

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