Can I get reimbursed for mileage traveling to and from my NC workers’ comp medical treatment? The answer is “yes” if you drive more than 20 miles round trip to your NC workers’ compensation doctor or therapist.

Getting reimbursed for mileage driving to and from medical appointments is a frequently underused benefit for North Carolina workers compensation recipients. If the total trip to the doctor or therapist and back is more than 20 miles, the worker is entitled to receive reimbursement for mileage. The amount of money you will get for mileage reimbursement is set annually by the NC Industrial Commission based on the Standard Mileage Rate set yearly by the IRS.  

For 2020, the reimbursement rate is 57.5 cents per mile.  Reimbursement rates for travel in NC workers’ comp cases for that last few years are below. Getting reimbursed for mileage in workers’ comp in NC does not have to be approved by the North Carolina Industrial Commission.  

Mileage should be reported by the injured worker to the employer or the adjuster on a Form 25T, which is available on the North Carolina Industrial Commission’s website. Your NC Workers’ Comp Lawyer may handle this for you. Many injured workers are already making do with less, so any little bit helps.

  • travel between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018 — 54.5 cents a mile
  • travel between January 1, 2019 and December 31, 2019 — 58 cents a mile
  • travel between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020 — 57.5 cents a mile

Please call or email if you have questions about getting reimbursed for mileage in workers’ comp in NC, or if you would like a free consultation with a Board Certified North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Attorney.

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