Non-Compete Agreements And Workers’ Comp Law
Workers’ Comp Laws in North Carolina
Back Injury at Work in NC?
Attorney Kevin Bunn recertified as a specialist in North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Law
Where to File Your Workers’ Comp case.
NC Workers’ Comp Law Blog
Welcome to the NC Workers’ Comp Law Blog, authored by North Carolina Workers’ Comp Lawyer Kevin Bunn. Workers’ Compensation in NC is constantly changing. Every recent session of the General Assembly has made substantial changes to Workers’ Comp law, and the North Carolina Industrial Commission is constantly reviewing its rules and forms. Each year the appellate courts consider dozens of cases involving workers’ compensation claims. We try here to bring some clarity to workers’ comp law in NC.
The NC Workers’ Comp Law Blog provides news and information on legal issues relating to NC Workers’ Compensation Law, including medical benefits, wage replacement, North Carolina Industrial Commission Rules, and coordination of workers’ comp with other benefits. Remember to check back regularly for more information on North Carolina workers’ comp law.
Kevin Bunn has more than twenty years legal experience and has helped hundreds of injured and disabled workers get the benefits they deserve. Mr. Bunn is a Board Certified Specialist in NC Workers’ Compensation Law and has been awarded the highest possible ratings in both legal ability and ethical conduct by multiple lawyer rating agencies. Please enjoy the blog and feel free to call or email for your free consultation with North Carolina Workers’ Comp Lawyer Kevin Bunn.
Can I get reimbursed for mileage in workers’ comp in NC?
by Kevin Bunn | Oct 11, 2012 | Blog, General NC Workers Comp Info
Can I get reimbursed for mileage traveling to and from my NC workers' comp medical treatment? The answer is "yes" if you drive more than 20 miles round trip to your NC workers' compensation doctor or therapist. Getting reimbursed for mileage driving to and from...
Why is my NC workers’ comp claim denied?
by Kevin Bunn | Oct 11, 2012 | Blog, Causation - NC Workers' Comp
It can be confusing if you find your NC workers' comp claim denied. But don't give up. This does not mean you do not have a workers' comp case in NC. But you need to take quick action to protect your rights under the North Carolina Workers' Compensation Act. Insurance...
Say what? Interpreters in NC Workers’ Compensation Claims.
by Kevin Bunn | Oct 11, 2012 | Blog, General NC Workers Comp Info
Many workers in North Carolina speak very little English or none at all. Some workers only know the English words they need in order to do their jobs. A lack of English proficiency can present some special challenges when these workers get injured on the job in NC. A...
NC Workers’ Compensation Forms
by Kevin Bunn | Oct 11, 2012 | Blog, Procedure
Every workers' compensation case in North Carolina will involve several NC Workers' Compensation Forms issued by the North Carolina Industrial Commission. There is just no way around it. But be very careful using, or not using, these workers' comp forms....
Average Weekly Wage (AWW) and Weekly Payments in NC Workers’ Comp
by Kevin Bunn | Oct 11, 2012 | Blog, Disability
One of the most important factors in a workers' compensation case in North Carolina is the accurate calculation of the Average Weekly Wage, or AWW. The Average Weekly Wage "AWW" multiplied by 2/3's yields the "comp rate" which is the amount of weekly payments paid to...
Can I get Workers’ Comp in NC if I’m at fault in the accident?
by Kevin Bunn | Oct 11, 2012 | Blog, Causation - NC Workers' Comp
I read an article on-line the other day describing an employee of a large laundry company who died when he fell into an industrial dryer. Readers were asked to comment on the story, and I was not surprised to read a string of posts blaming the worker for his own death...
What is a “rating” in a NC workers’ comp case?
by Kevin Bunn | Oct 11, 2012 | Blog, Disability
I frequently get calls from injured NC workers asking about a "rating" in a workers' comp case in North Carolina, so I want to take a few minutes and talk about what that means. To receive disability or "indemnity" benefits for a North Carolina workers' comp claim, a...
When a Slip, Trip or Fall is Covered by Workers’ Comp in NC
by Kevin Bunn | Oct 11, 2012 | Blog, Causation - NC Workers' Comp
Winter brings bad weather and and with bad weather comes an increase in on-the-job accidents. Common situations include on-the-job automobile accidents, and slips and falls going to and from a car, in the parking lot or navigating to the job site. Especially at risk...